EPS for CNB Financial Corporation (CCNE) forecasted at $0.58

During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.74. That’s change of 0.87, from 2018Q3’s 0.87. 3 investors sold all, 16 reduced holdings as CNB Financial Corporation ratio is positive. 27 increased positions while 6 funds amassed positions. Funds hold 6.46 million shares thus 0.49% less from 2018Q3’s 6.50 million shares.
Vanguard Grp Inc Inc reported 620,148 shs or 0% of all its holdings. Citigroup owns 4,425 shs for 0% of their capital. Metropolitan Life Ny owns 0% invested in CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE) for 4,843 shs. Bridgeway Cap Mngmt Incorporated invested in 155,500 shs. Legal General Grp Public Limited Co accumulated 0% or 2,391 shs. Ameritas Inv Prns reported 1,282 shs. Neuberger Berman Group Ltd Liability accumulated 38,100 shs or 0% of the stock. State Bank Of America De has invested 0% of its capital in CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE). Financial Bank Of Montreal Can invested 0% in CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE). Geode Capital Management Ltd Co stated it has 0% in CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE). Bessemer Gp owns 15,900 shs. Royal Bancorp Of Canada has 2,833 shs for 0% of their capital. Connors Investor Serv Inc holds 0.05% or 14,800 shs in its capital. Northern invested in 257,294 shs. Deutsche Bank & Trust Ag owns 0% invested in CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE) for 49,840 shs.

CNB Financial Corporation had 0 sales and 3 insider buys since November 23, 2018. This’s net activity of $195,354. 4,000 shs were bought by Straub Francis X III, worth $104,000 on Friday, November 23.

CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE)’s earnings report is expected by WallStreet on April, 15, according to Zacks. Last year’s EPS was $0.46, while now analysts expect change of 26.09 % up from current $0.58 EPS. The profit will be $8.80 million for CCNE if $0.58 EPS becomes true. Wall Street now predicts -1.69 % negative EPS growth despite CNB Financial Corporation last quarter’s EPS of $0.59. CCNE reached $25.11 during the last trading session after $0.2 change.Currently CNB Financial Corporation is uptrending after 2.01% change in last March 22, 2018. CCNE has also 6,720 shares volume. CCNE underperformed the S&P 500 by 2.36%.

CNB Financial Corporation operates as the bank holding firm for CNB Bank that provides various banking services and products for individual, business, governmental, and institutional customers.The firm is worth $380.83 million. The companyÂ’s principal services and products comprise checking, savings, and time deposit accounts; and real estate, commercial, industrial, residential, and consumer loans.11.38 is the P/E ratio. It also offers various other specialized financial services; and trust and asset management services, including the administration of trusts and estates, retirement plans, and other employee benefit plans, as well as a range of wealth management services.

For more CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE) news published briefly go to: Nasdaq.com, Bizjournals.com, Nasdaq.com, Streetinsider.com or Globenewswire.com. The titles are as follows: “CNB Financial Corporation (CCNE) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for November 29, 2018 – Nasdaq” published on November 28, 2018, “Bank on Buffalo parent paid $1.3M to CEO Bower – Buffalo Business First” on March 14, 2018, “Why CNB Financial (CCNE) is a Top Dividend Stock for Your Portfolio – Nasdaq” with a publish date: March 07, 2019, “Form DEF 14A CNB FINANCIAL CORP/PA For: Apr 16 – StreetInsider.com” and the last “Aspen University’s RN to BSN Program Awarded CCNE Accreditation – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: November 10, 2014.

CNB Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CCNE) Institutional Investors Chart

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