During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment increased to 1.42. That’s change of 0.33, from 2018Q3’s 1.09. 34 investors sold all, 153 reduced holdings as Realty Income Corporation ratio increased. 188 grew stakes while 77 funds amassed stakes. Funds hold 217.51 million shares thus 11.78% more from 2018Q3’s 194.59 million shares.
Lasalle Invest Securities Limited Company stated it has 48,822 shs or 0.08% of all its holdings. Qs Invsts Lc reported 23,432 shs. Provise Mgmt Lc accumulated 25,059 shs or 0.25% of the stock. 411 are held by Delta Asset Ltd Tn. Monetary Management Grp Inc has invested 0.01% in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O). Conning holds 0.01% or 4,180 shs in its capital. Bennicas Associates Inc accumulated 0.26% or 4,450 shs. Bridgewater Assoc L P has invested 0.01% of its capital in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O). Element Cap Mgmt Ltd holds 81,316 shs or 0.15% of its capital. Guardian Life Insur Co Of America holds 0.01% in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) or 825 shs. Court Place Advsr Limited Liability Com accumulated 0.43% or 15,030 shs. Redmond Asset Limited Liability reported 3,241 shs. Hsbc Public Limited stated it has 0.1% in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O). Transamerica Financial Advisors has invested 0% in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O). Mitsubishi Ufj Trust & Corp invested 0.07% of its capital in Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O).
Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) had a decrease of its shorted shares by 2.09%. FINRA announced in March O’s total 15.61M shorted shares. That’s 2.09% down from 15.95 million shares. With Average volume 1.87M, O’s previous position will take 8 days to restore.
O hit $72.6 during the last trading session after $0.13 change.Realty Income Corporation has volume of 1.69M shares. Since March 23, 2018 O has risen 40.17% and is uptrending. O outperformed the S&P 500 by 35.80%.
Realty Income Corporation is a publicly traded real estate investment trust.The firm is worth $22.08 billion. It invests in the real estate markets of the United States.The P/E ratio is 57.8. The firm makes investments in commercial real estate.
Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) Ratings Coverage
In total 6 analysts cover Realty Income (NYSE:O). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 3 are “Hold”. 50% are bullish. 10 are the (NYSE:O)’s analyst reports since October 1, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Thursday, February 21 the firm earned “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus. On Tuesday, November 6 the stock of Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) has “Sector Perform” rating given by RBC Capital Markets. On Thursday, March 21 the stock of Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) has “Buy” rating given by Wells Fargo. On Thursday, November 15 the company was upgraded by Bank of America. On Monday, October 1 the stock of Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) earned “Equal-Weight” rating by Morgan Stanley. In Wednesday, December 12 report Citigroup upgraded it to “Neutral” rating and $67 target. On Tuesday, February 26 Citigroup maintained the shares of O in report with “Hold” rating.
For more Realty Income Corporation (NYSE:O) news published briefly go to: Fool.com, Fool.com, Nasdaq.com, Investorplace.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Realty Income (O) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call Transcript – Motley Fool” published on February 22, 2019, “This REIT Just Hit a 2-Year High — Is It Still a Buy? – Motley Fool” on February 28, 2019, “Realty Income Corporation (O) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for February 28, 2019 – Nasdaq” with a publish date: February 27, 2019, “5 Big-Yield REITs to Check Out Now – Investorplace.com” and the last “Realty Income declares $0.226 dividend – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: March 13, 2019.
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