“Big money” Positions
In 2018 Q4 Aip Multi-strategy Fund P (NYSE:MSF) big money sentiment increased to 1.29, revealed SEC filings. So its up 0.14, from 2018Q3’s 1.15. 18 investment professionals started new and increased holdings, while 14 sold and decreased their stock positions in Aip Multi-strategy Fund P so the sentiment is positive. These funds own 9.35 million shares, that’s up from 8.84 million shares in 2018Q3. Funds holding Aip Multi-strategy Fund P in top 10 was flat from 1 to 1 for the same number . In total 8 funds closed positions, 6 reduced and 11 increased. Also 7 funds bought new Aip Multi-strategy Fund P stakes.
Most Aip Multi-strategy Fund P Shareholders
As of 2018 Q4 City Of London Investment Management Co Ltd has 3.5% invested in Aip Multi-strategy Fund P. Aip Multi-strategy Fund P’s shareholder Bulldog Investors Llc owns 229,864 shares as of 2018 Q4. 1607 Capital Partners Llc reported 1.02 million shares. The Massachusetts-based fund Weiss Asset Management Lp have invested about 0.51% of the investment manager’s stock portfolio in Aip Multi-strategy Fund P. The Illinois-based fund Rivernorth Capital Management Llc holds 424,446 shares or 0.41% of their US long stock exposure.
Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. is a closed ended equity mutual fund launched and managed by Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc.The firm is valued at $229.75 million. The fund is co-managed by Morgan Stanley Investment Management Limited and Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company.42.95 is the P/E ratio. It invests in the public equity markets across the global emerging markets.
MSF reached $16.58 during the last trading session after $0.14 change.Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. has volume of 7,888 shares. Since March 23, 2018 MSF has 0.00% and is . MSF underperformed the S&P 500 by 4.37%.
Axa reported 70,000 shs. 1.53 million are owned by Lazard Asset Llc. Karpus Management stated it has 213,773 shs. Gradient Invests Limited Liability owns 100 shs for 0% of their capital. Royal National Bank Of Canada reported 0% stake. Weiss Asset Mngmt L P invested 0.51% of its capital in Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. (NYSE:MSF). Wells Fargo Com Mn holds 0.01% or 1.05M shs. Sit Associate has invested 0.04% in Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. (NYSE:MSF). 229,864 were accumulated by Bulldog Ltd Liability Corporation. Bartlett And Com Ltd Liability owns 1,900 shs. Boothbay Fund Management Limited Liability Corp owns 64,824 shs or 0.15% of their US capital. Pnc Service Group Inc Incorporated holds 10,743 shs or 0% of its capital. Cambridge Investment Research Advsrs holds 0% or 12,530 shs in its capital. Raymond James Assocs has 77,755 shs. M Hldg Secs holds 21,785 shs.
More recent Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. (NYSE:MSF) news were announced by Businesswire.com, Seekingalpha.com and Globenewswire.com. The first one has “Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Fund, Inc. Announces Approval of Reorganization – Business Wire” as a title and was announced on January 07, 2019. The next is “Weekly Closed-End Fund Roundup: 2 Calamos Funds Cut, MSF Reorganization – Seeking Alpha” on October 22, 2018. And last was announced on February 27, 2019, called “Terrafina Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2018 Earnings Report – GlobeNewswire”.
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