On Mar 23, 2019 Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) Shorts Increased By 2.42%

Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.03 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.14, from 2018Q3’s 0.89. The ratio improved due to Flushing Financial Corporation positioning: 5 sold and 32 reduced. 13 funds took holdings and 25 increased holdings. Investors holded 21.48 million in 2018Q3 but now own 21.46 million shares or 0.07% less.
Moreover, Swiss Bancorp has 0% invested in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC). Natl Bank Of Montreal Can accumulated 0% or 4,737 shs. Dimensional Fund Lp has invested 0.02% in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC). Gabelli Funds Ltd Company owns 545,593 shs or 0.08% of their US capital. American International Gru owns 18,052 shs. Aqr Cap Mgmt Lc invested in 80,353 shs or 0% of the stock. Boston Ptnrs holds 0% of its capital in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) for 109,535 shs. 57,598 were reported by Wells Fargo & Mn. Moreover, San Francisco Sentry Invest Gru (Ca) has 0% invested in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) for 67 shs. Wedge Capital L Lp Nc, a North Carolina-based fund reported 59,310 shs. Geode Capital Mngmt Ltd Liability Company owns 323,193 shs. Jpmorgan Chase Company has invested 0% in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC). Barclays Plc, United Kingdom-based fund reported 824 shs. Bridgeway Cap holds 0.03% of its capital in Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) for 90,738 shs. Parametric Assoc Limited Liability Com owns 130,913 shs or 0% of their US capital.

It was registered an increase on Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC)’s short interest with 2.42%. In March was announced FFIC’s total 426,600 short interest by FINRA. Previously was reported up change of 2.42% from 416,500 shares. With Average volume 47,100, FFIC’s previous position will take 9 days to restore. Flushing Financial Corporation float short is 1.57%.

FFIC is touching $21.14 during the last trading session, after decreased 3.12%.Flushing Financial Corporation is downtrending after having declined 14.48% since March 23, 2018. FFIC has 83,437 volume or 65.56% up from normal. The stock underperformed the S&P500 by 18.85%.

Flushing Financial Corporation operates as the bank holding firm for Flushing Bank that provides banking services and products primarily to consumers, businesses, and governmental units.The company has $588.99 million market cap. The firm offers various deposit products, including checking and savings accounts, money market accounts, demand accounts, NOW accounts, and certificates of deposit.11.02 is the P/E ratio. The Company’s loan portfolio comprises mortgage loans secured by multi-family residential, commercial real estate, one-to-four family mixed-use property, one-to-four family residential property, and commercial business loans; construction loans; small business administration loans and other small business loans; mortgage loan surrogates, such as mortgage-backed securities; the United States government securities, corporate fixed-income securities, and other marketable securities; and consumer loans, including overdraft lines of credit.

For more Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) news posted briefly go to: Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com or Globenewswire.com. The titles are as follows: “Flushing Financial Corporation to Host Third Quarter 2018 Earnings Call – GlobeNewswire” posted on September 27, 2018, “Flushing Financial Corporation Reports 3Q18 Earnings Per Diluted Share of $0.61 an Increase of 27% From 2Q18 and 74% From 3Q17 – GlobeNewswire” on October 23, 2018, “Flushing Financial Corporation Reports the Death of Senior Executive Vice President, John F. Stewart – Nasdaq” with a publish date: February 05, 2019, “Positive Revenue Surprises Lag Previous Quarter Levels – Nasdaq” and the last “Flushing Financial Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.20 per Share – GlobeNewswire” with publication date: November 20, 2018.

Flushing Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:FFIC) Institutional Investors Chart

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