During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 1.18. That’s change of 0.48, from 2018Q3’s 0.7. 6 investors sold all, 28 reduced holdings as Brightcove Inc. ratio is positive. 27 grew positions while 13 funds took positions. Funds hold 26.94 million shares thus 4.47% more from 2018Q3’s 25.79 million shares.
First Mercantile Tru has 42,995 shs for 0.07% of their capital. Frontier Capital Management Communication Limited Liability Corporation invested in 2.94 million shs. Horrell Cap reported 408,859 shs stake. Geode Capital Mngmt Limited Liability Company invested in 415,943 shs. Strs Ohio owns 40,300 shs or 0% of their US capital. Aqr Capital Management Ltd Llc reported 0% stake. Fincl Bank Of New York Mellon holds 160,594 shs or 0% of its capital. Brandywine accumulated 69,756 shs or 0.48% of the stock. Los Angeles Cap Mgmt And Equity Rech reported 0% of its capital in Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV). Ameritas Investment Prtnrs Incorporated owns 2,425 shs for 0% of their capital. Morgan Stanley invested in 56,996 shs or 0% of the stock. Herald Investment Mngmt Ltd has 1.06% invested in Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) for 471,000 shs. Manufacturers Life Ins The, a Ontario – Canada-based fund reported 23,985 shs. Prudential holds 0% of its capital in Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) for 52,980 shs. 18,300 were accumulated by Raymond James Associates.
Brightcove Inc. registered $72,161 net activity with 1 insider purchase and 2 sales since November 7, 2018. Ray Jeff also bought $42,250 worth of Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) shs. Shares for $103,880 were sold by Besemer Deborah M..
On April, 25 Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV)’s earnings release is awaited by WallStreet, RTT reports. Analysts expect change of 75.00 % or $0.03 from previous year’s $-0.04 earnings per share compared to current’s $-0.07 earnings per share. Wall Street now sees 75.00 % negative EPS growth despite Brightcove Inc. previous quarter’s EPS of $-0.04. BCOV reached $8.15 during the last trading session after $0.28 change.Brightcove Inc. has 137,294 shares volume, 14.31% up from normal. BCOV is uptrending and has moved 26.52% since March 25, 2018. BCOV outperformed the S&P500 by 22.15%.
Brightcove Inc. provides cloud-based services for video.The firm is worth $298.66 million. The firm primarily offers Video Cloud, an online video platform that enables its clients to publish and distribute video to Internet-connected devices.Currently it has negative earnings. The Company’s Video Cloud platform offers various features and functionalities, such as uploading and encoding, content management, video player technology, multi-platform video experiences, live video streaming, distribution and syndication, social media, advertising and monetization, and analytics.
For more Brightcove Inc. (NASDAQ:BCOV) news released recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com or Profitconfidential.com. The titles are as follows: “Autodesk (ADSK) Q4 Earnings & Revenues Surpass Estimates – Nasdaq” released on March 01, 2019, “Notable Friday Option Activity: BCOV, LRCX, CTB – Nasdaq” on February 15, 2019, “All You Need to Know About Brightcove (BCOV) Rating Upgrade to Strong Buy – Nasdaq” with a publish date: March 11, 2019, “Brightcove (BCOV) Breaks Even in Q4 Earnings, Revenues Up Y/Y – Nasdaq” and the last “Brightcove Stock Breaks Out, With a Further Potential of 60% Growth – Profit Confidential” with publication date: June 08, 2018.
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