$0.91 EPS Expected for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) as of April, 4

Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC) Corporate Logo
Big Money Sentiment decreased to 0.9 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.12, from 2018Q3’s 1.02. The ratio worsened due to Science Applications International Corporation positioning: 39 sold and 68 reduced. 34 funds acquired positions and 62 increased positions. Investors holded 26.41 million in 2018Q3 but now own 27.97 million shares or 5.90% more.
Profund Limited Liability Co holds 3,791 shs or 0.01% of its capital. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mgmt has invested 0% in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC). Bowling Port Mngmt Ltd Liability Company holds 0.08% or 7,382 shs. International Group invested 0.03% in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC). Fuller & Thaler Asset Management holds 225 shs or 0% of its capital. Parametric Portfolio Ltd Liability Corporation invested in 74,721 shs. Carroll Assoc reported 200 shs. Roystone Mngmt Ltd Partnership invested in 421,300 shs or 4.55% of the stock. Pure Financial Advsr Incorporated invested 0.07% of its capital in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC). Ameritas Investment stated it has 15,977 shs. Whittier Tru Com Of Nevada reported 0.01% of its capital in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC). Moreover, Services Automobile Association has 0% invested in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC). 226 are held by Tower Research Cap Limited Liability Corp (Trc). Clearline Cap Limited Partnership accumulated 125,445 shs. Lsv Asset stated it has 0% of its capital in Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC).

On April, 4 is expected Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC)’s earnings report, according to Faxor. Analysts have expectation on stock’s earnings per share of $0.91. That’s down 21.55 % from last year’s $1.16 earnings per share. If the current earnings per share of $0.91 is accurate, SAIC’s profit could hit $53.85M. -32.59 % negative EPS growth is what Wall Street’s sees after $1.35 reported EPS last quarter. SAIC is reaching $73.85 during the last trading session, after increased 3.82%.Science Applications International Corporation has 521,459 shares volume, 15.82% up from normal. SAIC is uptrending and has moved 2.99% since March 27, 2018. SAIC underperformed by 1.38% the S&P 500.

Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC) Ratings Coverage

In total 2 analysts cover Science Applications Intl (NYSE:SAIC). “Buy” rating has 1, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. (NYSE:SAIC) has 50% bullish analysts. 3 are the (NYSE:SAIC)’s ratings reports on Mar 27, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Friday, September 28 the company was upgraded by Drexel Hamilton. On Friday, December 7 Wells Fargo maintained Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC) with “Market Perform” rating.

Science Applications International Corporation provides technical, engineering, and enterprise information technology services primarily in the United States.The company has $4.37 billion market cap. The company's offerings include engineering; technology and equipment platform integration; maintenance of ground and maritime systems; logistics; training and simulation; operation and program support services; and end-to-end services, such as design, development, integration, deployment, management and operations, sustainment, and security of its customers' IT infrastructure.The P/E ratio is 16.29. It serves the U.S. military comprising Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard; the U.S.

For more Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC) news announced briefly go to: Bizjournals.com, Zacks.com, Fool.com, Seekingalpha.com or Businesswire.com. The titles are as follows: “SAIC buying Engility in $2.5 billion all-stock deal – Washington Business Journal” announced on September 10, 2018, “SAIC (SAIC) Down 1.5% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Rebound? – Zacks.com” on January 05, 2019, “Is SAIC’s Engility Purchase a Good Deal for Shareholders? – Motley Fool” with a publish date: September 15, 2018, “Stocks To Watch: Apple Makes Its Video-Streaming Move – Seeking Alpha” and the last “SAIC Named a Forbes Best Employer for Diversity – Business Wire” with publication date: January 23, 2019.

Science Applications International Corporation (NYSE:SAIC) Institutional Investors Chart

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