Big Money Sentiment decreased to 1.05 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.24, from 2018Q3’s 1.29. The ratio is negative due to F.N.B. Corporation positioning: 27 sold and 92 reduced. 46 funds bought positions and 79 increased positions. Investors holded 249.10 million in 2018Q3 but now own 244.30 million shares or 1.93% less.
Marshall Wace Llp holds 0% in F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) or 9 shs. Renaissance Limited Liability reported 848,727 shs stake. Glenmede Trust Co Na stated it has 4.37M shs. Round Table Lc holds 16,015 shs or 0.06% of its capital. Fuller And Thaler Asset Mngmt holds 1.39% or 9.81 million shs. First National Tru Communications holds 1.29M shs. Asset Management invested in 31,866 shs or 0.01% of the stock. Hbk Sorce Advisory Ltd Co has 0.06% invested in F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB). Gsa Prtnrs Llp accumulated 47,632 shs. Quantitative Management Ltd Llc, Virginia-based fund reported 23,900 shs. Illinois-based Pl Cap Advisors Llc has invested 4.49% in F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB). First Citizens Retail Bank Tru owns 35,540 shs for 0.04% of their capital. Stifel Corporation holds 0% of its capital in F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) for 38,691 shs. Raymond James Fincl Svcs stated it has 162,036 shs. Cibc Asset Mngmt Inc reported 11,831 shs stake.
F.N.B. Corporation registered $386,336 net activity with 12 insider buys and 1 sale since October 26, 2018. Dutey James L bought 2,500 shs worth $28,692. Mencini Frank C had bought 2,000 shs worth $22,514. 1,000 shs valued at $11,687 were bought by Bena Pamela A on Tuesday, October 30. On Monday, November 5 Robinson Barry C bought $30,223 worth of F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) or 2,500 shs. The insider CAMPBELL WILLIAM B sold $34,657. CHIAFULLO JAMES D bought $56,150 worth of F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) on Friday, October 26.
F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) is anticipated to report earnings on April, 23., Zacks reports. Analysts expect change of 7.69 % or $0.02 from previous year’s $0.26 EPS compared to current’s $0.28 EPS. If EPS of $0.28 is revealed the profit of FNB could hit $90.15M giving it 9.55 P/E. -6.67 % negative EPS growth is what Wall Street’s sees after $0.30 reported EPS previous quarter. Ticker’s shares touched $10.7 during the last trading session after 1.42% change.Currently F.N.B. Corporation is downtrending after 13.01% change in last March 27, 2018. FNB has 1.45M shares volume. FNB underperformed the S&P500 by 17.38%.
F.N.B. Corporation, a financial holding company, provides a range of financial services to consumers, firms, governments, and small- to medium-sized businesses primarily in Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, and northern West Virginia.The firm is worth $3.45 billion. It operates through four divisions: Community Banking, Wealth Management, Insurance, and Consumer Finance.The P/E ratio is 9.55. The Community Banking segment offers commercial banking services, such as corporate banking, small business banking, investment real estate financing, asset based lending, and capital markets and lease financing; and consumer banking services consisting of deposit products, mortgage and consumer lending, and a suite of mobile and online banking services.
Another two news for F.N.B. Corporation (NYSE:FNB) were briefly announced by: on March 11, 2019 with title “F.N.B. sponsoring Pittsburgh Promise gala – Pittsburgh Business Times”. The other‘s article was titled “One of Pittsburgh’s biggest banks gives more details on Philly expansion – Pittsburgh Business Times” and announced on March 26, 2019.
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