Last Week Grainger plc (LON:GRI) Ratings

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Grainger plc (LON:GRI) Ratings Coverage

In total 4 analysts cover Grainger PLC (LON:GRI). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. 75% are bullish. 10 are the (LON:GRI)’s analyst reports since September 28, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Friday, February 15 the firm has “Equal Weight” rating by Barclays Capital given. The company rating was maintained by Peel Hunt on Wednesday, November 14. On Thursday, November 8 the firm earned “Add” rating by Peel Hunt. On Tuesday, February 19 Peel Hunt maintained Grainger plc (LON:GRI) with “Add” rating. In Wednesday, December 19 report Numis Securities maintained the stock with “Buy” rating. On Friday, September 28 the firm earned “Add” rating by Peel Hunt. On Tuesday, December 18 the company was maintained by Peel Hunt. On Wednesday, December 5 the company was maintained by Peel Hunt. In Tuesday, January 8 report JP Morgan maintained it with “Overweight” rating and GBX 285 target. On Wednesday, February 6 the firm has “Add” rating given by Peel Hunt. Listed here are Grainger plc (LON:GRI) PTs and latest ratings.

19/02/2019 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 290.00 Maintain
15/02/2019 Broker: Barclays Capital Rating: Equal Weight Old Target: GBX 320.00 New Target: GBX 260.00 Maintain
06/02/2019 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 290.00 Maintain
08/01/2019 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Overweight Old Target: GBX 350.00 New Target: GBX 285.00 Maintain
19/12/2018 Broker: Numis Securities Rating: Buy Old Target: GBX 282.00 New Target: GBX 282.00 Maintain
18/12/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 290.00 Maintain
05/12/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 330.00 New Target: GBX 290.00 Maintain
14/11/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 330.00 Maintain
08/11/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 330.00 Maintain
28/09/2018 Broker: Peel Hunt Rating: Add Old Target: GBX 330.00 Maintain

GRI is touching GBX 235.6 during the last trading session, after decreased 0.34%.Grainger plc has volume of 1.10M shares. Since March 27, 2018 GRI has 0.00% and is . GRI underperformed by 4.37% the S&P500.

Grainger plc, together with its subsidiaries, owns, develops, manages, and rents residential properties in the United Kingdom.The firm is valued at 1.44 billion GBP. The firm operates through three divisions: Residential, Development, and Funds.The P/E ratio is 11.27. It also provides fund management, asset management, and property management services.

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