It was noted an increase on ATICO MINING CORP COM CANADA (OTCMKTS:ATCMF)’s short interest with 71.11%. It was published in March by FINRA the 15,400 short interest on ATCMF. Previously was reported up change of 71.11% from 9,000 shares. With Average volume 28,400, ATCMF’s former position will take 1 days to restore.
The stock decreased 2.50% or $0.006 during the last trading session, hitting $0.234.Currently Atico Mining Corporation is after 0.00% change in last March 30, 2018. ATCMF has also 3,500 shares volume. ATCMF underperformed the S&P500 by 4.37%.
Atico Mining Corporation acquires, explores for, and develops copper and gold projects in Latin America.The firm is valued at $23.04 million. It owns interests in the El Roble mine covering an area of 6,679 hectares located in Choco, Colombia.The P/E ratio is 3.9.
More recent Atico Mining Corporation (OTCMKTS:ATCMF) news were brought out by, and The first one has “Atico Mining – One Of The Cheapest Copper Plays – Seeking Alpha” as a title and was brought out on April 25, 2018. The next is “I’m Glad I Wasn’t Wrong About Atico Mining! – Seeking Alpha” on June 19, 2016. And last was brought out on November 28, 2015, called “Atico Mining Meets My Expectations And Is Free Cash Flow Positive Despite The Low Copper Price – Seeking Alpha”.

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