EPS for Donegal Group Inc. (DGICA) forecasted at $0.13

Big Money Sentiment decreased to 1.23 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.09, from 2018Q3’s 1.32. The ratio dropped due to Donegal Group Inc. positioning: 11 sold and 11 reduced. 9 funds bought holdings and 18 increased holdings. Investors holded 8.70 million in 2018Q3 but now own 8.24 million shares or 5.29% less.
Wells Fargo & Co Mn holds 0% of its capital in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) for 335,306 shs. Philadelphia Trust reported 677,982 shs stake. Vanguard Grp owns 0% invested in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) for 477,331 shs. 223,703 were reported by Logan Capital Mngmt. Bessemer Gru holds 0% of its capital in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) for 18,700 shs. Swiss Bank & Trust holds 0% in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) or 20,900 shs. Moreover, Old Republic has 0.25% invested in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) for 616,100 shs. Martingale Asset L P has 46,809 shs for 0.01% of their capital. 168,100 are held by Bridgeway Mngmt. Morgan Stanley owns 25,524 shs. California State Teachers Retirement holds 14,683 shs. 134,320 are owned by Northern. Ancora Advsrs Limited Liability Corp owns 16,846 shs or 0.01% of their US capital. State Street reported 213,371 shs. Citigroup has invested 0% of its capital in Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA).

Donegal Group Inc. had 0 sales and 3 insider buys since November 5, 2018. This’s net activity of $88,615. On Monday, February 25 a trade for 500 shs valued at $6,655 was made by KRAFT KEVIN MICHAEL SR.

On April, 22 WallStreet anticipated Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA)’s earnings report, Faxor reports. Analysts predict 120.63 % diference or $0.13 from the $-0.63 EPS from 2018. If EPS of $0.13 is revealed the profit of DGICA could hit $3.61M giving it 25.94 P/E. After $-0.30 EPS report last quarter, Wall Street now sees -143.33 % EPS growth of Donegal Group Inc.. DGICA hit $13.49 during the last trading session after $0.04 change.Currently Donegal Group Inc. is downtrending after 13.52% change in last April 1, 2018. DGICA has 16 shares volume. DGICA underperformed by 17.89% the S&P 500.

Donegal Group Inc., an insurance holding company, provides property and casualty insurance to businesses and individuals in the Mid-Atlantic, Midwestern, New England, and southern states.The company has $374.64 million market cap. It operates through four divisions: Investment Function, Personal Lines of Insurance, Commercial Lines of Insurance, and Investment in DFSC.Last it reported negative earnings. The firm offers private passenger automobile policies that provide protection against liability for bodily injury and property damage arising from automobile accidents, as well as protection against loss from damage to automobiles.

For more Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) news published briefly go to: Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Globenewswire.com, Globenewswire.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Top 10 Stocks Under $20 – Nasdaq” published on January 25, 2018, “Donegal Group, Inc. (DGICA) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for January 31, 2019 – Nasdaq” on January 30, 2019, “Donegal Mutual Insurance Company Enters into Agreement with Safeco Insurance for Transfer of Personal Lines Business in Seven States – GlobeNewswire” with a publish date: September 10, 2018, “Donegal Group Inc. Announces Third Quarter and First Nine Months of 2018 Results – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Top 20 Insurance Stocks For Dividend Growth Investors – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: December 02, 2015.

Donegal Group Inc. (NASDAQ:DGICA) Analyst Ratings Chart

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