EPS for MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (MX) forecasted at $-0.58

During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 1.29. That’s change of 0.33, from 2018Q3’s 0.96. 9 investors sold all, 15 reduced holdings as MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation ratio is positive. 20 increased holdings while 11 funds bought holdings. Funds hold 22.40 million shares thus 1.70% less from 2018Q3’s 22.79 million shares.
Royal Bank Of Canada has 0% invested in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX). Moreover, Jpmorgan Chase And has 0% invested in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX) for 10,979 shs. Malaga Cove Limited Liability Company holds 49,942 shs or 0.21% of its capital. Cubist Systematic Strategies Llc holds 0.01% or 24,308 shs. Proxima Ltd Liability Company stated it has 600,000 shs. Gsa Prns Llp has invested 0.04% in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX). State Street, Massachusetts-based fund reported 53,218 shs. California-based Cohen has invested 0.46% in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX). Susquehanna Int Grp Inc Llp accumulated 0% or 98,671 shs. Connor Clark Lunn Investment Management has invested 0.02% in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX). Art Advsr Limited invested in 45,042 shs. S Squared Technologies Limited Com owns 257,653 shs. Jane Street Grp Lc has invested 0% in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX). Dimensional Fund Lp accumulated 492,125 shs. Lpl Ltd has 0% invested in MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX).

MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation registered $3.91 million net activity with 3 buys and 0 selling transactions since December 13, 2018.

On April, 29 MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX)’s earnings report is awaited by WallStreet, as reported by RTT. This year’s earnings per share analyst estimate is awaited to be $-0.58. That is 1,550.00 % down compareed to $0.04 earnings per share for last year. Last quarter $0.10 earnings per share was reported. Analysts predicts -680.00 % negative EPS growth this quarter. The stock decreased 0.27% or $0.02 during the last trading session, reaching $7.4.MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation has 338,565 shares volume, 28.26% up from normal. MX is downtrending and has moved 15.74% since April 1, 2018. MX underperformed by 20.11% the S&P500.

MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation designs, makes, and sells analog and mixed-signal semiconductor products for consumer, computing, communication, industrial, automotive, and Internet of Things applications worldwide.The firm is worth $252.28 million. The firm operates through two divisions, Foundry Services Group, and Standard Products Group.Last it reported negative earnings. It provides display solutions, including source and gate drivers and timing controllers that cover a wide range of flat panel displays used in ultra-high definition , high definition (HD), light emitting diode (LED), 3D and OLED televisions and displays, notebooks, and mobile communications and entertainment devices.

For more MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX) news posted recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com, Seekingalpha.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “FEMSA Shareholders Approved Ps. 9692 Million Dividend – Nasdaq” posted on March 22, 2019, “BAML bullish on Mexican airports stocks – Seeking Alpha” on March 29, 2019, “Energy Sector Update for 03/19/2019: MEOH,MX.TO,FTI,FLR,WHD – Nasdaq” with a publish date: March 19, 2019, “MagnaChip’s OLED Bonanza Is Set To Continue – Seeking Alpha” and the last “MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (MX) CEO YJ Kim on Q4 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: February 14, 2019.

MagnaChip Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE:MX) Institutional Investors Chart

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