On May, 1 Cirrus Logic, Inc. (CRUS) EPS Estimated At $-0.05

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Big Money Sentiment decreased to 1.04 in 2018 Q4. It has change of 0.05, from 2018Q3’s 1.09. The ratio is negative due to Cirrus Logic, Inc. positioning: 18 sold and 84 reduced. 42 funds amassed positions and 64 increased positions. Investors holded 52.38 million in 2018Q3 but now own 50.89 million shares or 2.86% less.
John G Ullman And Assoc reported 6,500 shs. Nokomis Limited Liability Company owns 246,497 shs or 2.24% of their US capital. Etrade Capital Management Lc holds 17,794 shs. Envestnet Asset reported 6,096 shs. Spark Management Limited Liability Com stated it has 40,170 shs or 0.09% of all its holdings. 40,214 were accumulated by State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement. The Massachusetts-based Geode Ltd Com has invested 0.01% in Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS). Franklin Incorporated owns 527,690 shs for 0.01% of their capital. The Illinois-based First Tru Advisors Limited Partnership has invested 0.01% in Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS). Eventide Asset Mngmt Limited Liability Corp accumulated 370,000 shs. Toronto Dominion Retail Bank owns 425 shs for 0% of their capital. Mutual Of America Capital Mngmt Lc reported 52,961 shs. Ent Serv Corp stated it has 44 shs. Deutsche Bank Ag owns 95,183 shs. Fmr Limited Liability stated it has 0.01% in Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS).

Cirrus Logic, Inc. registered $524,323 net activity with 0 insider purchases and 2 sales since February 4, 2019. 3,056 shs were sold by DEHNE TIMOTHY R, worth $118,334 on Tuesday, February 5.

On May, 1 Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS)’s earnings release is awaited by WallStreet, as reported by RTT. Analysts have expectation on stock’s EPS of $-0.05. That’s down 112.82 % from last year’s $0.39 EPS. Wall Street now sees -106.49 % negative EPS growth despite Cirrus Logic, Inc. previous quarter’s EPS of $0.77. CRUS is hitting $40.53 during the last trading session, after decreased 3.66%.Cirrus Logic, Inc. is downtrending after having declined 3.60% since April 2, 2018. CRUS has 1.23 million volume or 68.75% up from normal. CRUS underperformed the S&P 500 by 7.97%.

Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS) Ratings Coverage

A total of 2 analysts rate Cirrus Logic (NASDAQ:CRUS) as follows: 0 “Buy”, 1 “Hold” and 1 “Sell”. Тherefore 0 are bullish. (NASDAQ:CRUS) has 3 ratings reports on Apr 2, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence. On Friday, November 16 Barclays Capital maintained Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS) rating. Barclays Capital has “Underweight” rating and $30 target. On Wednesday, November 28 the firm earned “Hold” rating by Cowen & Co.

Cirrus Logic, Inc., a fabless semiconductor company, develops, makes, and markets analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for a range of consumer and industrial markets.The firm is worth $2.40 billion. The firm offers portable and non-portable audio, and other products.The P/E ratio is 26.47. The Company’s products include analog and mixed-signal audio converters, and digital signal processing products for mobile applications; codecs-chips that integrate analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog converters into a single IC; smart codecs, a codec with digital signal processer; amplifiers; micro-electromechanical systems microphones; digital interface products; and standalone digital signal processors.

For more Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS) news announced briefly go to: Nasdaq.com, Globenewswire.com, Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “Why Cirrus Logic, Inc. Shares Fell 26% in the First Half of 2018 – Nasdaq” announced on July 16, 2018, “New Research Coverage Highlights Dana, II-VI, Telephone and Data, Turning Point Brands, Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, and Cirrus Logic — Consolidated Revenues, Company Growth, and Expectations for 2019 – GlobeNewswire” on March 26, 2019, “Cirrus Logic: Digging Deeper And Wider Moats – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: November 07, 2018, “Cirrus Logic Stock Could Be a Good Pick Ahead of New iPhone Launch – Nasdaq” and the last “Notable Wednesday Option Activity: MCO, AMT, CRUS – Nasdaq” with publication date: January 30, 2019.

Cirrus Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRUS) Institutional Investors Chart

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