EPS for Carlisle Companies Incorporated (CSL) forecasted at $1.14

Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) Corporate Logo
During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 0.81. That’s change of 0.09, from 2018Q3’s 0.72. 44 investors sold all, 99 reduced holdings as Carlisle Companies Incorporated ratio improved. 81 grew holdings while 35 funds bought holdings. Funds hold 51.10 million shares thus 3.53% more from 2018Q3’s 49.36 million shares.
Hyman Charles D reported 2,000 shs. Advisory Net Ltd Co holds 0% or 114 shs in its capital. Gemmer Asset Mgmt Ltd Llc owns 0% invested in Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) for 147 shs. Blb&B Ltd invested in 0.04% or 2,744 shs. Balyasny Asset Mngmt Ltd accumulated 272,944 shs. River Road Asset Ltd Liability has invested 0.02% in Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL). 10,700 were accumulated by Virginia Retirement Systems Et Al. Federated Inc Pa holds 21,781 shs. Oregon Pub Employees Retirement Fund has invested 0.02% in Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL). M&T Financial Bank Corp invested in 0% or 5,894 shs. Toronto Dominion Comml Bank reported 0% in Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL). State Teachers Retirement Systems owns 97,637 shs. Bokf Na holds 0.01% or 3,957 shs. 16,237 were reported by Aperio Lc. Moreover, Goldman Sachs Inc has 0.01% invested in Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL).

Carlisle Companies Incorporated registered $6.57 million net activity with 0 buys and 3 sales since February 12, 2019. The insider ROBERTS DAVID A sold 3,610 shs worth $438,615. On Tuesday, February 12 the insider KOCH D CHRISTIAN sold $3.63M.

Investors wait Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL)’s quarterly earnings on April, 23., according to Zacks. Analysts expect change of 12.87 % or $0.13 from previous year’s $1.01 earnings per share compared to current’s $1.14 earnings per share. If the current earnings per share of $1.14 is accurate, CSL’s profit could reach $65.20 million. -27.85 % negative EPS growth is what analysts predict. $1.58 earnings per share was published for last quarter. CSL touched $125.22 during the last trading session after $1.13 change.Currently Carlisle Companies Incorporated is uptrending after 21.06% change in last April 7, 2018. CSL has 389,489 shares volume. CSL outperformed the S&P500 by 16.69%.

Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) Ratings Coverage

In total 4 analysts cover Carlisle Companies (NYSE:CSL). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. 75% are bullish. 6 are the (NYSE:CSL)’s analyst reports since October 9, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Friday, April 5 the stock of Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) has “Outperform” rating given by Oppenheimer. The company rating was downgraded by BMO Capital Markets on Tuesday, October 9. On Monday, December 17 the company was upgraded by Oppenheimer. The company rating was upgraded by Longbow on Tuesday, November 13. On Wednesday, October 31 the rating was maintained by BMO Capital Markets with “Market Perform”. On Wednesday, October 24 the rating was maintained by FBR Capital with “Buy”.

Carlisle Companies Incorporated operates as a diversified manufacturing firm in the worldwide.The company has $7.16 billion market cap. The companyÂ’s Construction Materials segment makes and sells rubber, thermoplastic polyolefin, and polyvinyl chloride membrane roofing systems; rigid foam insulation panels for various roofing applications; and liquid and spray-applied waterproofing membranes, vapor and air barriers, and HVAC duct sealants and hardware for the commercial and residential construction markets.The P/E ratio is 12.48. The Company’s Interconnect Technologies segment creates and makes wires, cables, connectors, contacts, and cable assemblies for the transfer of power and data primarily for the aerospace, medical, defense electronics, test and measurement equipment, and other industrial markets.

For more Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) news posted briefly go to: Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Globenewswire.com or Streetinsider.com. The titles are as follows: “Carlisle Companies Inc. (CSL) CEO Chris Koch on Q3 2018 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha” posted on October 23, 2018, “Carlisle: Gains Only Beginning – Seeking Alpha” on February 25, 2019, “Carlisle Companies: $93 A Share Looks Attractive – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: October 25, 2018, “Research Report Identifies Alamos Gold, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Veracyte, Air Lease, Carlisle Companies, and Medidata Solutions with Renewed Outlook — Fundamental Analysis, Calculating Forward Movement – GlobeNewswire” and the last “Carlisle (CSL) PT Raised to $140 at Oppenheimer – StreetInsider.com” with publication date: April 05, 2019.

Carlisle Companies Incorporated (NYSE:CSL) Institutional Investors Chart

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