Analysts See $2.31 EPS for CACI International Inc (CACI) on May, 1

CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI) Corporate Logo
Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.04 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.02, from 2018Q3’s 1.02. The ratio is positive due to CACI International Inc positioning: 37 sold and 102 reduced. 60 funds took holdings and 84 increased holdings. Investors holded 21.36 million in 2018Q3 but now own 22.72 million shares or 6.39% more.
33,118 were reported by Monarch Prtn Asset Mngmt Ltd. Metropolitan Life Ins Ny accumulated 14,360 shs. First Hawaiian Comml Bank holds 0% or 418 shs. Teachers Retirement Sys Of The State Of Kentucky reported 0.03% of its capital in CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI). Creative Planning invested in 0% or 1,565 shs. Mason Street Advsrs Limited Liability Corp holds 13,016 shs. California State Teachers Retirement Systems accumulated 39,334 shs or 0.01% of the stock. Thrivent For Lutherans accumulated 6,274 shs. Legal General Grp Public Lc accumulated 92,813 shs or 0.01% of the stock. Usa Financial Portformulas invested in 0.07% or 1,519 shs. Millennium Management Ltd Liability Company, New York-based fund reported 35,245 shs. Moreover, California Public Employees Retirement Sys has 0.02% invested in CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI). Dubuque Retail Bank And Tru reported 111 shs. Bancorporation Of Montreal Can reported 11,067 shs. 18,582 were accumulated by Regentatlantic Ltd Co.

CACI International Inc had 2 selling transactions and 0 buys since November 14, 2018. This’s net activity of $28,369.

CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI) is awaited to report earnings on May, 1., as reported by RTT. Last year’s earnings per share was $2.33, while now analysts expect change of 0.86 % down from current $2.31 earnings per share. If CACI’s EPS is $2.31 the profit will hit $57.43 million for 19.96 P/E. After $2.71 earnings per share was reported previous quarter, analysts now see negative EPS growth of -14.76 % for CACI International Inc. CACI reached $184.39 during the last trading session after $1.75 change.Currently CACI International Inc is uptrending after 22.21% change in last April 8, 2018. CACI has 159,265 shares volume. CACI outperformed by 17.84% the S&P 500.

CACI International Inc, together with its subsidiaries, provides information solutions and services in North America and internationally.The firm is valued at $4.58 billion. The firm offers business systems solutions in the areas of financial, human capital, asset and materials, and administrative management; develops, integrates, and operates command and control solutions; and develops and integrates solutions that deliver multi-level unified communications from the enterprise directly to and from the tactical edge.The P/E ratio is 17.7. It also provides cyber security solutions, as well as supports cyber activities of federal clients and the intelligence community.

For more CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI) news published briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Buy Dip in Fed IT Shares – Vertical Research –” published on March 19, 2019, “Dr. J.P. (Jack) London, CACI Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board, Receives U.S. Naval Academy Distinguished Graduate Award – Business Wire” on March 25, 2019, “CACI Wins $71 Million Task Order to Provide Sensor Systems Acquisition Services to U.S. Army – Business Wire” with a publish date: April 01, 2019, “CACI International reaches deal to acquire LGS Innovations – Washington Business Journal” and the last “CACI International to Release 3rd Quarter FY19 Results After Market Close on May 1, 2019 – Business Wire” with publication date: April 01, 2019.

CACI International Inc (NYSE:CACI) Institutional Investors Chart

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