During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment decreased to 0.5. That’s change of 0.50, from 2018Q3’s 1. 0 investors sold all, 2 reduced holdings as Chimera Investment Corporation ratio turned negative. 1 grew holdings while 0 funds bought holdings. Funds hold 1.06 million shares thus 5.84% more from 2018Q3’s 996,992 shares.
Cap Advsr Lc stated it has 0.08% of its capital in Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM). 970,472 are owned by Nfc Limited Liability Corporation. Balasa Dinverno Foltz Ltd Liability Corporation invested 0.05% in Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM). Huntington Savings Bank accumulated 1 shs.
Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM)’s earnings report is awaited on May, 2., Faxor reports. This year’s EPS analyst estimate is awaited to be $0.56. That is 3.45 % down compareed to $0.58 EPS for last year. The profit will be $104.74M for CIM if $0.56 EPS becomes true. After $0.58 EPS report previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -3.45 % negative EPS growth of Chimera Investment Corporation. $18.9 was the last price.It’s uptrending since April 16, 2018 and is 10.75% down. CIM outperformed by 6.38% the S&P500.
Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM) Ratings Coverage
In total 2 analysts cover Chimera Investment (NYSE:CIM). “Buy” rating has 1, “Sell” are 0, while 1 are “Hold”. (NYSE:CIM) has 50% bullish analysts. 5 are the (NYSE:CIM)’s ratings reports on Apr 16, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Wednesday, October 24 Deutsche Bank upgraded Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM) rating. Deutsche Bank has “Buy” rating and $18.5 target. On Thursday, February 14 the rating was downgraded by Deutsche Bank to “Hold”.
Chimera Investment Corporation operates as a real estate investment trust in the United States.The company has $3.54 billion market cap. The company, through its subsidiaries, invests in residential mortgage-backed securities , residential mortgage loans, commercial mortgage loans, real estate-related securities, and various other asset classes.9.64 is the P/E ratio. The firm has elected to be taxed as a real estate investment trust.
For more Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM) news published recently go to: Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com, Seekingalpha.com or Seekingalpha.com. The titles are as follows: “Buy This 11.5%-Yielding Mortgage REIT On The Drop – Seeking Alpha” published on October 22, 2018, “8% Yields Aren’t Priced Equally From CIM – Seeking Alpha” on October 05, 2018, “Chimera Investment Corp.: Another Superb Preferred Stock IPO – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: January 29, 2019, “Nomura mostly bullish on mortgage REITs – Seeking Alpha” and the last “Chimera Investment – 8% Is About Right – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: February 07, 2019.
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