EPS for Office Depot, Inc. (ODP) forecasted at $0.11

Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) Corporate Logo
During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment decreased to 1.56. That’s change of 0.02, from 2018Q3’s 1.58. 21 investors sold all, 59 reduced holdings as Office Depot, Inc. ratio fall. 82 rose positions while 43 funds took positions. Funds hold 473.21 million shares thus 2.02% less from 2018Q3’s 482.96 million shares.
Deutsche Bancorporation Ag reported 3.50 million shs. Guggenheim Cap Ltd Com holds 225,554 shs or 0% of its capital. 16,969 are held by Ls Inv Advisors Limited Company. Great West Life Assurance Can invested in 730,148 shs. Prelude Cap Lc holds 0.02% of its capital in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) for 98,416 shs. Manufacturers Life Comm The, Ontario – Canada-based fund reported 370,706 shs. New York-based Qs Investors Ltd Liability Corporation has invested 0.01% in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP). Tower Lc (Trc) reported 0% stake. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement System holds 0% of its capital in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) for 377,293 shs. Mycio Wealth Ptnrs Limited Company invested 0% in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP). 4.19M are held by Prudential Financial. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Liability Corporation accumulated 68,175 shs. Moreover, Balasa Dinverno & Foltz Limited Liability has 0.01% invested in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP). Lsv Asset Mngmt invested 0.1% in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP). Kbc Grp Nv stated it has 0% in Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP).

On May, 8 is anticipated Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP)’s earnings report, Faxor reports. Analysts have expectation on stock’s earnings per share of $0.11. That’s up 37.50 % from last year’s $0.08 earnings per share. If the current earnings per share of $0.11 is accurate, ODP’s profit could hit $59.77 million. Last quarter $0.09 earnings per share was reported. Analysts forecasts 22.22 % EPS growth this quarter. The stock decreased 1.58% or $0.04 during the last trading session, reaching $2.49.Office Depot, Inc. has volume of 6.13 million shares. Since April 16, 2018 ODP has risen 44.81% and is uptrending. ODP outperformed the S&P500 by 40.44%.

Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) Ratings Coverage

In total 2 analysts cover Office Depot (NASDAQ:ODP). “Buy” rating has 1, “Sell” are 1, while 0 are “Hold”. (NASDAQ:ODP) has 50% bullish analysts. 3 are the (NASDAQ:ODP)’s ratings reports on Apr 16, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Thursday, February 28 the firm has “Sell” rating by UBS given. In Tuesday, March 5 report Bank of America maintained the stock with “Buy” rating. On Wednesday, February 27 the firm has “Buy” rating given by Bank of America.

Office Depot, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, supplies office services and products in North America.The company has $1.35 billion market cap. The firm operates in two divisions, North American Retail and North American Business Solutions.13.24 is the P/E ratio. It offers office supplies, technology products and solutions, business machines and related supplies, facilities products, and office furniture, as well as copy and print services.

For more Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) news brought out briefly go to: Benzinga.com, Seekingalpha.com, Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com or Fool.com. The titles are as follows: “Office Depot, Inc. (NYSE:ODP), Tesla Motors, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) – Wall Street’s Focus Remains On Trade; Market Subdued As Investors Await Developments – Benzinga” brought out on April 04, 2019, “Office Depot -3.5% after settling FTC allegations of computer repair deception – Seeking Alpha” on March 27, 2019, “Office Depot (ODP) Stock Plunges on Soft Q1 Sales Warning – Nasdaq” with a publish date: April 05, 2019, “Factors Likely to Influence Office Depot’s (ODP) Q4 Earnings – Nasdaq” and the last “Why Office Depot, Roku, and Landec Slumped Today – The Motley Fool” with publication date: April 04, 2019.

Office Depot, Inc. (NASDAQ:ODP) Institutional Investors Chart

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