During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment increased to 1.01. That’s change of 0.10, from 2018Q3’s 0.91. 53 investors sold all, 361 reduced holdings as DUK ratio is positive. 317 rose positions while 102 funds bought positions. Funds hold 437.22 million shares thus 7.02% more from 2018Q3’s 408.54 million shares. Moreover, Private Asset Mgmt Inc has 0.47% invested in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) for 28,026 shs. Lee Danner & Bass has invested 0.44% in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). Opus Investment Mngmt Incorporated owns 1.14% invested in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) for 61,200 shs. Dupont Cap Mngmt Corp stated it has 0.09% in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). Eii Mgmt Incorporated stated it has 899 shs or 0.04% of all its holdings. New Jersey-based Nuwave Inv Management Ltd Liability Com has invested 0.63% in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). Willingdon Wealth Mgmt owns 30,293 shs. Swiss Financial Bank owns 3.06M shs. Clean Yield Group stated it has 0% of its capital in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). Bryn Mawr holds 0.11% of its capital in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) for 21,157 shs. Gabelli Funds Limited Liability holds 374,000 shs or 0.22% of its capital. Rockland Trust invested 0.06% of its capital in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). First Hawaiian Savings Bank has 0.02% invested in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). Cap Ww Invsts has invested 0.11% in Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK). San Francisco Sentry Invest (Ca) holds 0.07% or 1,729 shs in its capital.
In Duke Energy Corp New (DUK) was decreased the stake owned by Raymond James & Associates. The reduction is 2.17% according to 2018Q4 Securities and Exchange filling. 45,024 shares were sold by Raymond James & Associates as the company’s stock rose 2.60% with the market. At the end of 2018Q4, the institutional investor held 2.03M shares of the power generation company, valued at $175.12 million, down from 2.07 million at the end of the previous reported quarter. Duke Energy Corp New has $64.83B MC. Ticker’s shares touched $89.09 during the last trading session after 1.49% change.Currently Duke Energy Corporation is uptrending after 18.95% change in last April 17, 2018. DUK has also 3.14 million shares volume. DUK outperformed by 14.58% the S&P500.
According to a filing Raymond James & Associates upped its stake in Alphabet Inc by 5,527 shares to 262,201 shares, valued at $273.99 million in 2018Q4. The fund operates about $75.99 billion and $57.41B US Long portfolio. For a total of 357,665 shares it increased its holding in Ishares Us Etf Tr by 154,080 shares in the quarter, and has risen its stake in Vanguard Index Fds (VOO).
On May, 9. Investors expect Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) to publish its quarterly earnings, according to Zacks. earnings per share of $1.25 is 2.34 % down from 2018’s $1.28 EPS. If DUK’s EPS is $1.25 the profit will reach $909.61 million for 17.82 P/E. 48.81 % EPS growth is what analysts predict. $0.84 earnings per share was announced for previous quarter.
A couple more Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) news were brought out by: Fool.com which released on March 29, 2019 “3 Dividend Stocks That Pay You Better Than Coca-Cola Does – The Motley Fool”, also Seekingalpha.com on April 15, 2019 brought out “Natural Gas Is Holding – Seeking Alpha”, the next Globenewswire.com is “Bragar Eagel & Squire, PC is Investigating Certain Officers and Directors of Duke Energy Corporation (DUK) and Encourages DUK Investors to Contact the Firm – GlobeNewswire” on March 18, 2019. Seekingalpha.com has article titled “Uranium quotas would harm nuclear plants, utilities warn – Seeking Alpha”.
Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) Ratings Coverage
In total 5 analysts cover Duke Energy (NYSE:DUK). “Buy” rating has 0, “Sell” are 0, while 5 are “Hold”. 0 are bullish. 10 are the (NYSE:DUK)’s analyst reports since November 5, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Monday, November 5 Wells Fargo maintained the shares of DUK in report with “Market Perform” rating. On Wednesday, March 13 the stock of Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) has “Hold” rating given by Morgan Stanley. On Tuesday, February 19 the firm earned “Hold” rating by Bank of America. On Wednesday, January 9 the stock of Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) earned “Neutral” rating by Bank of America. On Tuesday, February 12 Morgan Stanley maintained the shares of DUK in report with “Equal-Weight” rating. On Friday, February 15 Credit Suisse downgraded Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) to “Hold” rating. On Monday, November 19 Barclays Capital maintained Duke Energy Corporation (NYSE:DUK) with “Equal-Weight” rating.
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