“Outperform” was Reiterated on Jack In The Box (NASDAQ:JACK) by Telsey Advisory Group; with $95 Target.

Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) Corporate Logo

During Q4 2018 the big money sentiment decreased to 0.87. That’s change of 0.11, from 2018Q3’s 0.98. 27 investors sold all, 75 reduced holdings as Jack in the Box Inc. ratio dropped. 54 grew stakes while 35 funds took stakes. Funds hold 27.80 million shares thus 10.53% more from 2018Q3’s 25.15 million shares.

The New York-based Samlyn Cap Ltd has invested 0.55% in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK). Tyvor Cap Limited Liability owns 2.04% invested in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) for 50,000 shs. Walleye Trading Ltd Liability has 0% invested in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) for 6,027 shs. Carlson Cap Lp accumulated 0.14% or 115,625 shs. Us Bancorp De owns 1,531 shs or 0% of their US capital. California Pub Employees Retirement Systems accumulated 0.01% or 69,305 shs. Canada Pension Plan Inv Board holds 15,982 shs. Zeke Cap Advsrs Limited Liability reported 0.13% of its capital in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK). Stifel Financial owns 2,631 shs or 0% of their US capital. Advisory Research reported 340,654 shs. 16 are held by Wealthtrust. Lpl Financial Lc has invested 0% in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK). Ing Groep Nv holds 3,946 shs. Nokota Mgmt Limited Partnership reported 0.88% stake. Dupont Cap Mgmt invested 0% of its capital in Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK).

Jack in the Box Inc. had 20 sales and 0 buys since November 29, 2018. This’s net activity of $1.67 million. Another trade for 1,615 shs valued at $125,066 was made by COMMA LEONARD A on Friday, December 21. GORDON DEAN C sold $6,582 worth of Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) on Friday, December 21. PEPPER RAYMOND also sold $3,562 worth of Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) on Friday, December 21. On Thursday, November 29 $21,214 worth of stock was sold by FOX VANESSA C. The insider CORRIGAN MELISSA L sold 225 shs worth $19,724. $170,502 worth of stock was sold by RUDOLPH PHILLIP H on Thursday, November 29.

Reiterated Jack In The Box (NASDAQ:JACK) Rating.

Jack In The Box (NASDAQ:JACK)‘s stock “Outperform” rating was maintained at Telsey Advisory Group on Tuesday, 16 April. The broker’s Research professionals have a $95 target and suggests a potential upside of 22.12 % on the stock.

Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) Ratings Coverage

In total 9 analysts cover Jack In The Box (NASDAQ:JACK). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 6 are “Hold”. 33% are bullish. With $103 highest and $80 lowest PT Jack In The Box has $89.33 average PT or 14.83% above the current ($77.79) price. 13 are the (NASDAQ:JACK)’s analyst reports since October 18, 2018 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Thursday, October 18 the firm has “Equal-Weight” rating given by Morgan Stanley. The stock rating was maintained by SunTrust with “Buy” on Thursday, February 21. On Friday, March 22 the stock of Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) has “Buy” rating given by Oppenheimer. On Friday, October 26 the stock of Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) has “Neutral” rating given by Wedbush. On Wednesday, November 21 the firm earned “Hold” rating by Stifel Nicolaus. In Thursday, February 21 report Oppenheimer maintained the stock with “Buy” rating. On Tuesday, February 19 the rating was maintained by Cowen & Co with “Hold”. On Friday, February 22 Wedbush maintained the shares of JACK in report with “Hold” rating. On Thursday, February 21 the rating was maintained by Barclays Capital with “Hold”. On Thursday, February 14 Wells Fargo maintained the shares of JACK in report with “Outperform” rating.

The stock decreased 0.37% or $0.29 during the last trading session, hitting $77.79.Jack in the Box Inc. is downtrending after having declined 13.12% since April 17, 2018. JACK has 567,265 volume or 7.78% up from normal. The stock underperformed the S&P 500 by 17.49%.

Investors expect Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK)’s quarterly earnings on May, 15., Faxor reports. The earnings per share diference is $0.14 or 17.50 % up from last years number. Previous year: $0.8; Analysts forcast: $0.94. If the current earnings per share of $0.94 is accurate, JACK’s profit could be $24.26 million. -30.37 % negative EPS growth is what analysts predict. $1.35 earnings per share was reported for previous quarter.

Jack in the Box Inc. operates and franchises Jack in the Box quick-service restaurants.The company has $2.01 billion market cap. As of April 15, 2018, it operated and franchised 2,245 Jack in the Box restaurants primarily in the western and southern United States and Guam.The P/E ratio is 15.14.

For more Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) news released recently go to: Nasdaq.com, Nasdaq.com, Investorplace.com, Nasdaq.com or Nasdaq.com. The titles are as follows: “Unique Foods (UPZS) Acquires Pizza Fusion – Nasdaq” released on March 19, 2019, “Morgan Stanley puts its seal on Jack Ma’s bazaar – Nasdaq” on April 11, 2019, “3 Reasons Why You Should Sell Chipotle Stock into Strength – Investorplace.com” with a publish date: April 05, 2019, “Phibro Animal Health Corporation to Participate in Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2019 Healthcare Conference – Nasdaq” and the last “Jack Henry & Associates Breaks Above 200-Day Moving Average – Bullish for JKHY – Nasdaq” with publication date: April 01, 2019.

Jack in the Box Inc. (NASDAQ:JACK) Analyst Ratings Chart

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