During 2018 Q4 the big money sentiment decreased to 1.11. That’s change of 0.14, from 2018Q3’s 1.25. 21 investors sold all, 77 reduced holdings as Genworth Financial, Inc. ratio turned negative. 60 increased holdings while 49 funds amassed holdings. Funds hold 296.73 million shares thus 0.77% less from 2018Q3’s 299.04 million shares.
Nomura Asset Mgmt Co Limited holds 0% in Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW) or 24,100 shs. Balasa Dinverno Foltz Ltd Liability Company accumulated 233,266 shs. Oregon Employees Retirement Fund reported 922,736 shs stake. Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board stated it has 202,656 shs. Teachers Retirement Systems Of The State Of Kentucky has invested 0.01% in Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW). Amalgamated National Bank stated it has 73,837 shs or 0.01% of all its holdings. Ing Groep Nv owns 76,759 shs or 0.01% of their US capital. Fil Limited owns 0% invested in Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW) for 176 shs. Meeder Asset Mgmt reported 291,527 shs. Prelude Capital Mngmt Lc owns 90,951 shs for 0.03% of their capital. Davenport And Ltd Liability Company reported 0.01% stake. State Of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D, a New Jersey-based fund reported 1.10M shs. Bessemer Gru Inc accumulated 0% or 29,856 shs. Great West Life Assurance Can holds 301,837 shs. First Manhattan reported 0.13% of its capital in Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW).
Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW)’s earnings release is expected by WallStreet on May, 7, Zacks reports. This year’s EPS analyst estimate is expected to be $0.27. That is 8.00 % up compareed to $0.25 EPS for last year. The profit will be $135.22M for GNW if $0.27 EPS becomes true. Last quarter $-0.58 EPS was reported. Analysts sees -146.55 % EPS growth this quarter. GNW reached $3.76 during the last trading session after $0.08 change.Currently Genworth Financial, Inc. is uptrending after 43.01% change in last April 18, 2018. GNW has also 1.96 million shares volume. The stock outperformed the S&P500 by 38.64%.
Genworth Financial, Inc. provides insurance and homeownership solutions in the United States and internationally.The firm is worth $1.88 billion. It operates through five divisions: U.S.The P/E ratio is 15.8. Mortgage Insurance, Canada Mortgage Insurance, Australia Mortgage Insurance, U.S.
Another two news for Genworth Financial, Inc. (NYSE:GNW) were briefly released by: Seekingalpha.com on March 19, 2019 with title “Merger Arbitrage Mondays – March 18, 2019 – Seeking Alpha”. The other Benzinga.com‘s article was titled “31 Stocks Moving In Thursday’s Pre-Market Session – Benzinga” and released on March 21, 2019.
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